Wonder mum’s triumph

AFTER having cervical cancer and a full hysterectomy, one brave Pine Rivers mum turned adversity into triumph at the Weekend to End Women’s Cancers.

Picture: RUSSELL BROWN Jacci Longstaff, from Ocean View, who helped raise more than $10,000.

Jacci Longstaff from Ocean View and sister Sharyn Ritchie, of The Gap, raised $11,500 for the event.

“I am still here and I can walk,” said Ms Longstaff, 41.

“There are many who have battled cancer who can’t say that,” she said. “It was a fantastic thing to do.

“I met some lovely people who shared their stories.

“I’m lucky. I got have my two beautiful boys before the hysterectomy and I’m now in the clear.”

Ms Longstaff and Ms Ritchie entertained other walkers by changing their costumes every 10km, a Wonder Woman outfit being perhaps the most fitting.

The Weekend to End Women’s Cancers was a two-day, 60km walk to raise raised much-needed money for the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute and the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.

Ms Longstaff was the 21st highest individual fundraiser of more than 1000 participants.

The total raised by the event was $3.5 million.

As seen in the Pine Rivers Press, 7 November 2013