Brisbane Hapkido Striving for Personal Excellence

Thursday 12 May 2011
Have you ever noticed that some people seem to wake up one day and approach life with a different sense of vigour?  With a different purpose? A changed attitude?  A new approach to their fitness?  I’m not talking here about “New Years Resolutions”. I’m talking about a person who has really changed their approach or attitude to something and it is usually because something has changed in their life.  We all know that “New Years Resolutions” come and go and that it is not uncommon for people to keep making the same resolutions year after year – to get fit, or to lose some weight, or to be a better partner … (BTW have you acted on your New Years resolution five months down the track – it’s May now!)

When something changes in your life, something that has a deep heartfelt meaning that causes you to really sit back and look at yourself, to give yourself a stiff uppercut and change what you are doing, we see real long lasting changes. The motivation is something that really cuts at your centre, it’s from the heart, and can cause you to have a total attitudinal shift. We call this a “Paradigm Shift”.  When a paradigm shift occurs we make long lasting changes – they are not short lived – because they are based on something that has caused us to completely change the way we view this.  This is totally different to the New Years resolution.

A great example of this is a story a friend of my once told me.  I was asking her how people know if they are an alcoholic.  She was an alcoholic and attended Alcoholic Anonymous meetings and said that she was at a meeting once and a gentleman attended for his first night and shared with the group that he came home from work one evening and kissed his daughter good night.  He had been to the hotel and had some drinks and his young daughter said to him “Daddy, you stink!”  This was enough for him to sit down and think about his drinking habits.  He possibly thought that he did not want his daughter’s only real lasting memory of him to be that her dad was as a man who stunk! Who knows what else went on in his mind, and it probably doesn’t matter, but this event in his life was enough for him to realise that he couldn’t go without drinking alcohol and brought him to the realisation that he was, under his own life experience definition, an alcoholic.

Clearly this man had a paradigm shift.  The framework through which he viewed his life changed from that day forward, and clearly his lifestyle changed in certain areas.

So what life events have you had that have caused you to have a paradigm shift? Are you going to wait until an event comes along to help you to have a paradigm shift to change things in your life that you know, deep in your heart, need changing. Will an overweight mum or dad wait until they have a heart attack before accepting what their partner has been saying for a long time to “lose weight and start exercising!” Or maybe “it won’t happen to me!”.

Possibly this blog is the event that you need to get you to make the paradigm shift and make long lasting changes to your lifestyle where this is needed.  At Factor10 Martial Arts our theme is “Making A Difference” and we believe that out of all the Brisbane Hapkido schools across the suburbs, we really do make a difference in many ways to our members. In particular, we assist with life long health and fitness that enables our members, and often our mums and dads, to continue to live their lives with the comfort that they are exercising regularly, managing their weight and overall well being.

For many people Factor10 is where they have made their personal “paradigm shift” by realising that when they build in a weekly routine of exercise, the worry of health and fitness looks after itself.


Many members of our great Brisbane Hapkido group participate in the Tuesday and Thursday “Kick Fit” classes for an extraordinarily great fitness experience and then continue on to participate in the Hapkido program to experience the excellence of the Korean Martial Arts. These classes are for mind and body, providing an all round opportunity for Factor10 members to strive for personal excellence in all they do in life. Follow your heart when it comes to what’s right for you!

Master O’Flaherty